Latun Siaga Information System
Latun Siaga Information System is an application that is useful as a tool for turtle conservation in Bengkulu province. Designed to provide convenience to its users. SILAGA has a report creation feature as well as a follow-up feature that is useful for the conservation of turtles and their eggs. In this study, the system to be built by the author is a web-based system for admin and android for users. By utilizing GPS which makes it easier for the user to determine the location where the findings were found and makes it easier for the rescuer to perform rescue actions. The system to be built by the author uses the Kotlin programming language. The data used were taken from observations and interviews with the Latun Siaga community. Based on the experiments that have been carried out, the SILAGA application is able to process report data and also process follow-up data from reports provided by users. .
Keywords: SILAGA, conservation, turtles, andro-id, GPS, Kotlin.
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